Athidyam ఆతిధ్యం: Christian Telugu Short Film Review

Summary: Few youth members are tired of activities in the name of Christmas events. They planned to teach a lesson to a few pastors by doing felicitation. They selected a few pastors and celebrated one of the youth members birthdays. After the birthday got over, they fed the pastors excessively, till they became mad and frustrated. Few were left with hesitation, but few remain seated with confusion and humility. These hosts say this is what exactly replicates God’s will on Christmas. And concluded with one pastor repenting not to celebrate Christmas.
+ Music is good, and cinematography is nice.
+ Progression of thought
+ Very good execution without touching single debatable concepts. Intentionally avoided cleaver manner.
~ If nothing good is happening with that particular event, we need to make sure it should reach that purpose. Rather than condemning the Christmas events and total boycott. Do they have any alternative methods/events to share gospel and good news?
~ “Because no apostles celebrated Christmas, we don’t have to celebrate. And the Bible is not saying anything like that” (loose translation). This is the claim in the short film. If that is so, they believe in trinity, Jesus as a hypostatic union. Even though it is not clearly evident in the Bible. This is the best example where they are choosy about what they want to contradict.
~ Since the short film is released in the conservative sect of Christianity called “Kristu Sangam." They have strong roots in Mormanism. Due to mixed culture in India, there might be few who tolerate and few who are non-tolerant. For some it is Christmas, music, fancy dresses, luxury life, etc.

Positives in the movie:
The whole movie is based on Mary’s perspective.
Cinematography is very good and visual feast
Mary working in temple, Mary talking to Gabriel and lucifer
The first half of the story is about how Mary Nazarene was born. The second half of the story is about how she is chosen to give birth to Jesus.
A lot of given details give the notion that the author is well aware of the background of Nazarine Mary. Father and mother are named Johayakim & Ana. King killing wife Gabriel as a male, pregnant before engagement.
Negatives of Movie:
Mary met Joseph before; Joseph came to Mary's home and proposed to marry.
Mary dreams while journeying to Bethlehem seems realistic but kind of misleading.
Biblical evidence says that babies are killed all over the Rama. But in the movie, it was shown that babies are taken to the palace.
Journey to Bethlehem Mary and Joseph used a donkey, preferably, because of wide domestic use. But the movie show the use of horse.
Reflections about grief note
https://youtu.be/nMWBu2lq-0U?si=Z4gkunfOQncCyDz4 The video clip was made by Gavin Ortlund (Phd, Fuller Theological Seminary)serves as senior pastor of first Baptist Church of Ojai. In this video he reflected on Tim Keller's legacy, and the urgent need to continue in the gospel work he commited his life to. Michel Keller tweeted about his father's death. He restated whateve his father said two days before. He thanked for his family, and God and finally he said he's ready To see Jesus. He can't wait to see Jesus asking to send him Home. He replies to the statement from his father's Account by saying that there is no downside for me leaving not in the slightest, see you soon dad. Gavin remembers Tim kellers quote that, Live in such a way that when it comes time to die all you have to do is die. In other sense don't wait till the end to repent, rather leave a legacy of character by following his steps. Gavin reminds Star Trek, 2008. he recalls the scene of the captain is going to die Jeremy says you're the captain now. He was basically saying Tim's legacy for us wasn't just his gifts his insights, but character. His character that maybe is the best gift to us. He finishing well with solid integrity Really meaningful as something to aspire after and appreciate. My reflection is yes character do matters and the values and the teaching that he impacted on us has to be passed on to the next generation that's a primary goal.

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